- Last Updated: 7 months ago
I’m often asked about what I’m currently working and focusing on. This page is inspired by the /Now page movement and is intended to answer that question across multiple areas of my life. (You can also learn more about my focus for the year through My Words.)
I typically update this page on a monthly basis or whenever there is a significant change in my personal focus. The exception to this is the Books I’m Reading section which updates automatically from my GoodReads profile.
(Learn more about /Now Pages and why you should make one, too.)
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Things continue to stay busy with my family as we enter the summer months. My son continues get excited for his first Scout Summer Camp while also working towards his trip to the USA Triathlon Nationals in Milwaukee this August and my daughter is busy with weekly summer camps.
I’m excited that I’ve been able to stay home and be with my family since the pandemic. I’m also trying to be more present when I’m spending time with my family so they’re getting my full attention.
There is always something on my personal to-do list, but here are the key themes that seem to be coming up regularly.
- Restarting a regular exercise routine. I’ve never been good about keep a regular exercise routine, but its been even more difficult the last few years because there is always something else to do at home (versus the hotel I’m staying at for work). While I’m not likely going to be “beach ready” before our cruise this summer, I’m hoping to at least use that as a motivation to get back into a routine.
- Organizing my life. I haven’t placed a lot of emphasis on keeping things organized over the last few months and things have kind of gotten away from me. I’m currently working to get all of my commitments into their systems of record and cleaning up physical storage areas to get back on track.
- Increasing my use of automation. Whether I’m using tools to automatically file documents I’m saving for future use or to generate meeting agendas, I’m always looking for ways to work smarter by leveraging automation to streamline common activities.
As I approach my 21st anniversary with Protiviti, I continue to support clients in the Financial Services Industry in their efforts to comply with a regulatory consent order. I continue to focus on:
- Growing my involvement and our Technology Risk and Resilience practice.
- Developing several presentations for local and national professional associations.
- Re-engaging with our new leadership and team members in the Pittsburgh market.
My son has been a part of our Scouts BSA Troop for the last six months and seems to be enjoying the experience. I’ve definitely been investing in my camping gear and enjoying getting back outside with the Scouts. I’ve also setup our new Troop website and taken the BSA’s Wood Badge course, Scouting’s premiere training course. My Wood Badge Ticket and transitioning into the Scoutmaster role continues
I am also a merit badge counselor for the following merit badges:
I also continue to support the Moraine Trails Council Advancement Committee as a panelist for Eagle Scout Boards of Review.
Podcasts I'm Listening To
I am a voracious consumer of podcasts. Here is a sampling of the shows I subscribe to.
I listen to Daily Tech News Show every day to stay current on the latest technology trends. I’ve also really enjoyed listening to World’s Greatest Con and the Thrilling Adventure Hour with my son as I take him to and from events.
Books I'm Reading
I’m usually working on reading (or listening to… thanks Audible) a few books at a time. You’ll usually see me reading a fiction and non-fiction book at the same time. Here is what I’m currently reading:
Films & TV Shows I'm Watching
I’ve always been a fan of films and television. Here is a sampling of films and TV shows that I’ve been watching (or could start re-watching anytime). I’m also including movies (but not TV shows) that my kids have made me watch.
Really want to get into my head? Check out the links below to see
- All the content I’d want to watch but haven’t gotten to yet
- My rankings of for some of my favorite series, directors, studios, or other themes.
- Ratings for all the content that I’m watching