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While I prefer my team members mirror my schedule, I know that everyone manages their schedules and commitments in their own way so I don’t force the issue.  If you work more efficiently arriving by 9AM, then I’m fine with it as long as our project goals are being accomplished in accordance with our schedule.  Just be prepared for an onslaught of email and other requests when you arrive.

I am typically in the office by 7:30AM and leave between 5:30 and 6PM (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday.  This will obviously fluctuate depending on where I am, my personal commitments, and my current workload.

As a general rule, I do not check email outside of these hours; nor do I expect my team to.  I recommend sending me a text message or calling my cell phone if you need to get a hold of me.  If you happen to see me on Skype as Available, you can try sending me an instant message but if you don’t see a response quickly call or text me.