Today here in the US, we mark the Memorial Day holiday.  While it has become an unofficial start of summer with barbecues and pool openings, it is important that we remember the true meaning of the holiday.  The origins of the holiday started in the 1860s with a custom of decorating soldiers’ graves to honor their sacrifices for our country.  The practice became more formalized following the end of World War II and ultimately became a federal holiday in 1971.

I have several family members that have served in the military over the years (including my brother-in-law who is actively serving), but my family has been extremely fortunate not to have lost anyone during their service.  As I take time off today to mark the holiday, I’ll be taking time to reflect on the sacrifices my family members and their brothers and sisters in arms have given in service of our country.

Who will you be remembering/honoring today?

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