I’m always excited when something I’m interested in personally can cross over with my work.  So, in honor of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story being available as a digital download today, I figured I’d share two articles that share useful information under the guise of relating it to the Star Wars universe.

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Obviously, both article include spoilers.  So take 2 hours to watch the movie (even if you’ve already seen it, because…  well, why not?) before you read either of the articles.


The first article come from HewlettPackard Enterprise’s enterprise.nxt blog and provides five lessons IT can learn from ‘Rogue One’.  The author highlights issues like “The data Jyn and Cassian find is readable” and “The Empire didn’t secure K-2SO”  to illustrate real-world IT issues and their impacts.

The second article is really a Reddit thread discussing a SysAdmin’s view of the Rogue One finale.  Not only is it insightful, but I found a lot of the discussion very entertaining.

Sysadmin found in Star Wars Rogue One
byu/JRHelgeson insysadmin

What other IT insights have you pulled from movies or TV shows?  Have you had success relating IT topics with popular culture?  Be sure to share your thoughts and remember…