Last year I came across a productivity methodology by Mike Vardy called “The NOW Year Action Plan” (you can learn more at  One of the key ideas I took away from this approach was the idea of Yearly Words.  The idea really originated from Chris Brogan who started each year by defining three words to act as targets.  In his words:

“Instead of resolutions, I write targets.  Instead of mission statements, I write words that give me perspectives to move forward, regardless of the territory.”

These words act as guide posts to point you in the right direction, but they aren’t supposed to be goals (let alone S.M.A.R.T. goals).  They’re intended to be flexible and easy to align with decision making over the next twelve months.  Projects and activities that hit on multiple words get a higher priority than those that only hit on one (or none) of the words.

So, what are my words for 2017…

[accordion title=”FITNESS” icon=”heartbeat”]

This year I want to focus on being healthier by getting back into running, starting a more well-rounded fitness program, and eating better.  (Step one, getting all of the junk food out of our house after the holidays…)  I am also looking to run my first marathon (The Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon) in May 2017.  I’m hoping that this will help me feel and look better, have more energy for my family and work, and will help me be active for many years to come.

Follow me on Twitter to learn more about my fitness journey.


[accordion title=”CONNECTION” icon=”connectdevelop”]I tend to be an introverted person and use that as an excuse for not staying in contact with family, friends, coworkers, and clients.  I know this is an important thing for me to work on and I want to focus on it in the new year.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”STORYTELLING” icon=”book”]This is probably the “strangest” word I have for this year.  I want to focus on how I tell stories to people.  This may focus on stories as a persuasive technique (for work), through photography and video, or through data.  I’m excited to see how this idea will evolve over the year.[/accordion]

[dvlabel]Why share this with the world?[/dvlabel]

A lot of research shows that people who document their goals are more likely to achieve those goals than people who don’t.  The act of documenting the goal creates internal accountability (writing it down makes you mind see it as more important).  Similarly, research shows that people who share their goals with others have an even greater likelihood of achieving those goals.  Essentially, this creates the external accountability.  I think that my 2014 Run Streak was successful because I documented my goal and shared with with my friends and family.  I’m hoping that sharing My Words will be similarly successful.