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[user_firstname], it is important to me that we establish clear expectations of each other early on.  While my expectations of you will vary based on your years of experience and the specific work that we’re doing, here are a few baseline expectations for everyone that I work with:

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  • I cannot work to fix problems that I don’t know about.  So honestly sharing your thoughts helps me to address issues before they become more significant.
  • If I do something stupid or say something idiotic or just act weirdly, tell me point blank. Then, tell me how you’d prefer everything to be. I’ll counter with how I feel, and we’ll have a nice, pleasant conversation. If you decide to beat around the bush before getting to the problem, I’ll probably get defensive before you even get there, which will make for a cyclical conversation where nothing gets accomplished.

[accordion title=”Think of those who come after you.” icon=””]

It’s easy to see some types of documentation as busy work or something that doesn’t add value, but remember that you may not be able to support a client on the next project.  Taking the time to document detailed test steps, add IPE details to an information request, or create a Business Context Framework helps the team that comes after you to not need to re-learn the information you’ve already gathered.[/accordion]
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  • Ask questions (often).  Use me as a sounding board for your ideas and questions.  I’d rather answer a question now than have to provide review feedback later after you’ve done more work.
  • Know when to be autonomous.  Understand that while I’m here to help you, I have other work and personal commitments that I’m trying to balance (see What I’m Working on Right Now  for a list).  I will help you, but it may not be right away.
  • Remember that I need to review your documentation.
    • If documentation is due to the client by end of day on Friday, don’t provide the documentation for review at noon on Friday.
    • Provide documentation as it comes available and I will commit to reviewing it as quickly as I can.  In fact, I’ve designated a “Review Day” every week that I set aside time specifically to review documentation and provide feedback.  That doesn’t mean I’m not reviewing things on other days, but it helps me to prioritize tasks as they come up. (see What I’m Working on Right Now for more information).
  • Consider how the Client will consume our information.  While we may review most of our documentation on screens, many clients still print documents to review.  Make sure that you check headers and footers and think about how the document will be printed before you provide me the documentation for final review.

And I know that expectations go both ways, so be sure to checkout  What You Should Expect of Me.  Finally, these expectations are always changing and being refined.  Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions about my expectations so I can clarify this list.